Friday, May 16, 2008

This is happy news

Lori Drew, the mother who created a fake myspace account in order to gain the trust and then harass a young girl, who wound up hanging herself has been indicted. Article here on CNN.

When I first read about this story on Fark, I was shocked and appalled by the actions taken. Granted, kids doing something like this happens, but for an adult, who knew that this girl suffered and was on medication for depression to do this was completely out of line. And I wasn't the only one upset. The legions over at Fark quickly did detective work and found this woman's name (which wasn't originally listed), home address, phone, business information and other facts. The power of the internets. I always find it interesting to watch that happen... amazing how quickly an online mob can amass members and information.

Anyway, glad to hear that this woman is going to do some time for being a failure as an adult.

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