Friday, April 18, 2008

Mini news bites

  • Apparently, NYC is freaking out over Emperor Palpatine Pope Benedict's visit. Many streets are being closed off in the areas he will be visiting over the weekend, and in AM New York, it advises that if you can leave your neighborhood (if one of the pope’s stops is there) for the weekend it is advisable. Really? Come on. Getting around NYC is a hassle in general. And if you live near the UN and are whining about traffic being closed or increased police presence, it’s your own fault you moved there then. I will be happily tucked away in Queens far from the madness.
  • I’m also fluent in Nerdic according to “experts”. Some key terms are: RickRoll, UGC, Mashup, HDMI, Android (according to’s top 10 list.
  • This is just full of stupid and I don't see how it would be considered art. FAIL
  • As for good art, check this out “Cereal Mascot Reunion His artworks is very interesting and thought provoking. I also like “Space Girl” (link in sidebar).

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